
コマンダンテ C60 BARACUDA ブラッシュドスチール マニュアルコーヒーグラインダー

Comandante による
元値 2,294.00 SR - 元値 2,294.00 SR
2,294.00 SR
2,294.00 SR - 2,294.00 SR
現在の価格 2,294.00 SR
Manufacturer Comandante Made in Germany

Comandante C60 Baracuda – Manual High-Performance Coffee Grinder

Maximum Precision & Efficiency

The Comandante C60 Baracuda is a powerful manual coffee grinder designed for the highest demands. Its advanced 60 mm Baracuda burr enables a 2-3 times higher bean throughput while ensuring a smooth grinding experience with outstanding grind quality—ranging from coarse settings for filter coffee to ultra-fine settings for espresso and Cezve/Ibrik.

Robust Unibody Stainless Steel Construction

The grinder is milled from a single block of steel, ensuring absolute stability and maximum efficiency. This high-precision manufacturing technique is typically used in high-performance engine industries, guaranteeing durability and top-notch quality.

Innovative Burr & Fine Adjustment

The GX50 Gold Clix grinding system offers an ultra-fine grind adjustment with a particle size change of approximately 21 µm per click, allowing for exceptional precision.

Key Features:

  • Burr: 60 mm Baracuda stainless steel burr
  • Grind Adjustment: GX50 Gold Clix with brass adjustment mechanism
  • Body: Brushed high-performance stainless steel (food- & water-resistant)
  • Knob: Big Joe made from solid European oak
  • Crank: Standard Black Crank included
  • Weight: 1018 g (2.24 lb)
  • Dimensions: 195 × 200 × 60 mm (7.7 × 7.9 × 2.4 in)

Discover now and grind coffee with ultimate precision!

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